Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." Genesis 2:2-3

I can remember a day when everything was closed on Sunday. It was a day when church seemed to be a priority and families would reserve their Sunday for worship and then relaxation. It was a day to wind down from the week’s labors and recharge oneself for the week ahead. Obviously, things have changed a great deal.

Today, Sunday is just another day. Stores are open for shopping, restaurants are open for dining, movie theaters are open so you can catch the latest flicks…there isn’t much not available on Sunday. Add in the fact that youth sports seem to have found home on Sundays and you now have kids being shuttled around by their parents so they can participate with games being held at all times, including the hours that people used to attend church. Now…church has to compete with everything else that Sunday offers…and the church is having a very tough time winning the battle.

I can’t help but think God looks down on what we have done to His Sabbath and bristles. The seventh day that He made holy is treated far from it by most. Yes, Satan has done a masterful job to distract people from the true purpose of the Sabbath. And we have fallen for it…hook, line, and sinker. While God rested on the seventh day, we can’t be on the go enough. Scripture said the day was made holy because God rested. We desecrate it because we refuse to rest.

Question: What do you do on Sunday? Are you resting in honor of God, your Creator, who made the day holy by resting Himself? It’s time to assess how we’re treating the Sabbath today. Let’s get back to basics…back to the seventh day when God rested after His creation work was complete. It’s His will for us to rest. It’s time to be obedient.

In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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