Friday, February 10, 2023


Can I pray for you in any way?

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In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in His flesh the law with its commands and regulations.

Ephesians 2:14-15a

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Think about what life would be like had God not sent His Son Jesus to save us.

Every single person would be living every day without hope. Every single one.

Now, I don’t know if you have ever felt hopeless before but I am not too proud to say I have, maybe on more than one occasion in life. It is part of the human condition as we live this thing called life.

As I go back to how I felt during those times of despair, I can remember how they were anything but peaceful. Rather, they were times of uncertainty and despondency, chaos and anxiety. It was hard to get my bearings, a very unsettled feeling overall.

Now, these times of dejection and hopelessness didn’t sustain. There would be a time of restoral, a time when the sun of relief and restoration started to shine through the clouds of gloom until once again, life felt good again and peace returned.

This doesn’t happen on a spiritual scale without Jesus. Minus God’s salvation gift, we would all be in a place where wrath and destruction were certain as we traveled a path to everlasting damnation and torment (aka Hell), hardly a place of comfort for anyone.

As we look at our passage for today from Ephesians, the Apostle Paul reminds the believers in Ephesus that they were now able to live in peace, free from the fear of God’s fierce judgment. Through Jesus, God opened the gates of Heaven to anyone who would simply believe in His Son as Savior. He destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility that once existed between Himself and those who weren’t Jews. God also set aside the law with its commands and regulations, replacing them with a better version of what He expected from His people, the life of Christ. Christians were to shape their lives to reflect Jesus in every way and if they did so, their behaviors, words, and thoughts would be pleasing in God’s sight because they would be right and righteous.

If you want true peace in life, you have to place your belief and trust in Jesus. It’s as simple as that. For it is only through Him, and Him alone, that you can be saved.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it. Send any prayer requests to

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