Saturday, February 11, 2023


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In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

His purpose was to create in Himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which He put to death their hostility.

Ephesians 2:15b-16

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Perhaps our world has never been more divided than it is today. It’s very hard to see any place where nations are not at odds with one another. Wars or even rumors of wars have a way of doing this.

Russia invades Ukraine and the conflict causes ripple effects regionally and globally.

China threatens to invade Taiwan and North Korea is a constant nuisance, threatening anyone in an attempt to be seen as a legitimate player on the world stage.

Like North Korea, Iran plays the same game, consistently antagonizing Israel with warnings of annihilation. They also like to lob warnings at the United States as well with regularity.

Speaking of the United States, we see that disunity is not lust a world problem because the states of America are anything but united, mostly because of politics. Republicans can’t get along with Democrats and vice versa. Bipartisanship has vanished, polarizing the country.

It all looks like such an impossible situation on the outside looking in. Things appear like we are trending further and further away from the possibility we could ever be one world and one people, coexisting together in love vice strife, despite our differences.

And then, we remember that all things are possible through God.

Go back to biblical days. There was constant flux between two key groups of people, Jews and Gentiles. These groups despised each other for the most part.

The Jews carried themselves as if they were elitist because God had made His covenant with them. He was their God and they were His people. Anyone that wasn’t a Jew was outside of this special arrangement and the Jews never failed to rub the Gentiles’ noses into this. They treated the Gentiles as unclean outsiders, unworthy of any association with God or His chosen people. Obviously, this bred hatred and resentment among the Gentile people toward the Jews.

I’m sure this divisiveness seemed irreconcilable at the time and the Jews and Gentiles were just resigned to always stay at odds with one another.

But then God intervened and changed everything forever. Out of love, He sent His only Son Jesus for the distinct purpose of creating “one new humanity” out of the two. There would be no more segregation between Jew and Gentile. Every single person could be reconciled to God through the redeeming work of Jesus on Calvary’s cross where He put to death hostility in order to sow peace.

Is a new, united humanity possible today?

Absolutely but it will only become a reality when people of every nation come together through believing and trusting in Jesus, the Prince of peace.

Let this be our daily prayer, raised up in faith in a God who can do all things.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it. Send any prayer requests to

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