Monday, February 23, 2015


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“Here is My servant, whom I uphold, My chosen one in whom I delight; I will put My Spirit on Him, and He will bring justice to the nations. In faithfulness He will bring forth justice; He will not falter or be discouraged till He establishes justice on earth.”

Isaiah 42:1, 3b, 4a

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

“That’s not fair!”

How many times did we say this when we were growing up? How many times did we hear or do we hear our children say it today? And of course, many times we hear adults express the same lament, don’t we? Maybe you have even said it at one time or another.

The point is that we seem to have a sense of wanting justice, even at the youngest of ages, a desire and need for fairness. It’s something that seems to stay with us throughout our lives as we experience the world we live in. There’s little debating this fact but there is one thing though that is often open to interpretation when looking at this matter.

That’s the definition of what is just and fair.

Look at any number of issues in society and you will typically find people discussing the matter of justice. There are matters of race and racism or matters of social equity and entitlement or matters of whether certain governmental impositions are just or not with implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act  (aka ObamaCare) or discussion on immigration reform currently hot button items. There are any number of court cases around the country that are closely watched to see whether or not someone is found guilty or innocent and when the majority of people believe someone is guilty and they end up acquitted, you will find an outcry because the pervasive feeling will be that justice was not done in the matter.

Why so many disparities?

Because we all have our opinions on what constitutes justice and sometimes there is little consistency except among groups of people who share the same definitions. What I see as fair, another might see as unfair or vice versa. Additionally, our views can be framed by our biases as well. A certain demographic group may see justice a certain way because it is framed by their race or religion or gender.

There’s little doubt that we can find glaring contradictions and irregularities in how justice is looked at and applied in our world today and that can be a dangerous thing, often leading us to division and even violence in extreme cases.

So how can we counter this? How can we get to a place where we can all be like-minded in the way we see and conceptualize justice?

The answer is to always view justice through the lens of our Savior Jesus, the perfectly just Servant which God ordained to bring justice to all creation. Look at our verses from Isaiah 42:

“Here is My servant, whom I uphold, My chosen one in whom I delight; I will put My Spirit on Him, and He will bring justice to the nations. In faithfulness He will bring forth justice; He will not falter or be discouraged till He establishes justice on earth.” Isaiah 42:1, 3b, 4a

Jesus, the chosen Servant who His Father delighted in and sent the Holy Spirit to earth in His name, was sent to save us but He was also sent to faithfully bring and establish justice to the nations here in this world and all the people therein. He will not be denied nor will He be swayed or discouraged until He falters. He cannot be corrupted or bribed. His verdicts are always true.

Friends, we need to remember this as we look at the world we live in. For it is not our place to judge. God’s word is clear on that. We are to only place our trust in Jesus that justice will be carried out, not on our terms but on His. He will always have His way and His way will always be true and right. No one has any right to question whatever decisions He renders. No one.

That takes a lot of pressure off, right? We don’t need to worry ourselves with whether justice is being done or not for we know Jesus has it in His hands. Period. And one day, this perfect and just Servant and Son of the Lord God Most High will return to the world He walked upon more than 2,000 years ago to judge all of us. For some it will be the worst day ever because they chose to not believe and trust in Jesus as Savior. I’m sure these people will cry out that their death penalty is unjust as they are cast into the lake of fire but they will receive what they asked for. All have a choice to make, to surrender themselves to Jesus just as He surrendered Himself for them, or to not do so and surrender His offer of eternal life. For the others, the Christians who died to self so Jesus could live within them through His Holy Spirit, the day of His return will be the best day ever as they will receive the promise of life forever with Jesus and God, the Father of all.

Those without Christ, who chose sin and wickedness over His pardon, will be found guilty and receive the death penalty as a result.

Those in Christ, who chose righteousness and the opportunity to be fully forgiven for their sinfulness, will be acquitted, not because they don’t deserve any penalty but rather because Jesus paid the penalty for Him. Through His death on Calvary’s cross, Jesus justified all who believed in Him. In other words, before God the Father, they were seen just as if they had never sinned. Through His resurrection, He paved the way for others to follow Him and on the day of His return, He will take a multitude of beloved followers with Him to start life in the new heavens and earth (Revelation 21).

Jesus was sent by God to serve and save but He was also sent to set things straight on the matter of justice. Through Him, we can be assured that it will always be done, now and forever more.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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