Thursday, June 25, 2015


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“Are you not a brood of rebels, the offspring of liars?”

Isaiah 57:4b

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Are you a rebel?

You may want to think a moment before you answer that question.

Maybe we should look at the definition of the word first. The dictionary would offer the following:

1. opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler
2. disobedient

Perhaps both of these applied not only to the people of Israel, who obviously behaved this way as evidenced by our scripture verse from Isaiah 57, but to us as well in this present day when it comes to our relationship with God. This is why rebellion against the Lord is added to our list of indicators of wicked living.

First, when we look at the first rendering of the word “rebel” we have to ask ourselves if we have ever behaved in opposition to the One who rules and reigns over all of us. God is the Maker and Master of all creation. All are to submit to Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. And yet, we so foolishly choose to follow our ways and desires over His.

This isn’t akin to rebellions where people have warred against those who have threatened their most basic, fundamental freedoms. The Lord is not our enemy and He is the source of our truest freedoms, now and forever. Thus, it makes no sense that we would act in any way to fight or resist Him.

And yet we do.
We have done it since our earliest years, right?

We seem to have trouble with abiding with authority. We don’t like to obey the rules. We like to do what we want to do.

In other words, we fall into the second part of the definition of “rebel” because we are almost innately disobedient in the way we carry ourselves. We fail to be a compliant people, no matter what regulations, laws, or policies are imposed on us. We do our own thing and hope that no one will detect us in the midst of our rebellious living but there’s only one problem with that mindset.

God sees everything.

There is nothing hidden from the sight of the Almighty Lord of all. He sees every action. He hears every spoken word, even if whispered or simply mouthed without utterance. He is cognizant of every thought.

With this, He knows every time we rebel against Him, even if we just think about doing it. We would be better off not even going there in the first place.

Friends, it’s time we come to the realization that God requires not just a part of our obedience but all of it. We are to submit fully unto Him, surrendering our will for His in all that we do, say, and think. Nothing short of this is acceptable.

Rebellion against the Lord is an indicator of wicked living. That’s the message from the word of God to us all.

But there’s also a message of hope as well and it comes when we consider complete avoidance of rebellion and full submission to the God’s will and way. You might think that’s an impossibility for any person who is born into sin but I am here to tell you that with the Lord, all things are possible, even transforming someone from a rebel to an obedient servant.

How you might ask?

It all starts with Jesus.

Remember when our Savior said these words:

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

You see, Jesus, the only One who has lived a perfectly obedient life, is the One who is the way and the truth and the life. If we want to live a life of perfect obedience, we need to live as Jesus did. Thank goodness that God’s word tells us how He lived so we can model it. The Holy Spirit sent to be our Great Counselor until Jesus returns, always guides us to live as He did. All we need to do is submit to its leading.

In the end translation, Jesus was always about His Father’s business and through following His lead, we can be too. If you’re a Christian today and rebelling, you are not onboard with the program and it’s time to repent and get back on the right track. If you are not in Christ today, then you are rebelling against God and you need to change immediately, accepting Jesus as your personal Savior and committing from this day on to live as He lived. It needs to be your number one priority. Period.

God is going to judge those who choose to live apart from Him, those who live in rebellion. Don’t be counted in that number but instead live in a way that places you in His favor, a way that is pleasing in His sight.

Live like Jesus in all that you do.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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