Saturday, June 27, 2015


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“You sacrifice your children in the ravines and under the overhanging crags.”

Isaiah 57:5b

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Lacking God’s vision, knowledge, and understanding. Complacency, lethargy, and laziness. Never being satisfied with what God has provided. Seeking to go one’s own way separate from the Lord. Never being satisfied with what God has provided. Choosing to abuse substances. Looking to the world to try and make life better. Making a mockery out of the Lord. Rebelling against God and His ways. Giving into lustful desires for things of the world.

These are ten indicators of wicked living that have been revealed to us by God’s word through our study of the final verses of Isaiah. Chapter 56, and the opening verses of Isaiah 57. And although any of these lifestyle choices is displeasing to God, perhaps the one we will see today is more heinous and horrific than them all. Look at today’s verse:

“You sacrifice your children in the ravines and under the overhanging crags.”  Isaiah 57:5b

We know that the people of Israel had allowed pagan worship practices to infiltrate their culture, so much so that in the years before being taken into exile by the Babylonians, the practice of sacrificing one’s child to the false god Molech was widely taking place. The prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel joined Isaiah in speaking out against the sinful acts which were not simply confined to the everyday people. Scripture details how two kings, Ahaz and Manasseh, sacrificed their children in what God’s word labels as detestable practices (2 Chronicles 28, 2 Kings 21). And these were Jewish people who supposedly followed God.  

Today, we don’t hear of people sacrificing their children but we do hear about children being abused by the very parents that God entrusted their care to. That abuse might be verbal or physical or both. It might even be neglect where the needs of a child are not being met. Either way, a child of God is not cared for by their providers and know this, God will not stand for it. He will not tolerate His children being mistreated.

You see, all children belong to God when it comes right down to it. He ordains a child to be conceived from the very start and sees that child through its time in the womb until it emerges into His creation. From that point on, the child is placed in the hands of people to care for His child. They are the child’s parents but that child is not truly theirs but God’s. They will raise that child up until he or she becomes an adult and is able to serve God on their own. And possibly, that adult will get to be a parent themselves as God provides one of His children for them to care for.

This truth is critical for us as we get the privilege to have God’s children in our care. For if we truly see that child as being God’s, then we would see the great obligation we have to give that child our best for he or she is one of the greatest gifts God could have ever given us. And when we raise them up with that view, then guess what? We will raise up an adult who will see their children the same way when they get the opportunity to have them. Seeing children as a rich blessing from God perpetuates across the generations.

Friends, the scriptures are speaking loudly today, especially to parents, and the message from God is clear:

“Do not abuse or mistreat My children.”

Instead, treat them as they truly are: the richest gifts possible from a gracious God who is the Father of all.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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