Thursday, June 18, 2015


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

Come, all you beasts of the field, come and devour, all you beasts of the forest!

Israel’s watchmen are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough.

Isaiah 56:9, 10a, 11a

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Lacking God’s vision, knowledge, and understanding. Complacency, lethargy, and laziness.

All indicators of wicked living, of one opting for sin over righteousness.

Today we will add another symptom of this kind of lifestyle that neither pleases God nor earns His favor. Rather, it’s this kind of life attitude that will only lead to God’s consequences for He will not tolerate anyone disrespecting and disregarding Him, the One who made them and reigns as Master over them.

Look again at today’s scripture:

Come, all you beasts of the field, come and devour, all you beasts of the forest!

Israel’s watchmen are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough.
Isaiah 56:9, 10a, 11a

I continue to repeat the premise to these indicators just as a reminder of how much God despises wickedness. Here He calls on judgment on the wicked using the illustration of beasts of the field and forest summoned to devour the person blatantly choosing to sin in His sight.

This is followed by the indicator we are covering today. Were you able to pick it out?

It’s pretty easy, right?

A person who adopts an attitude where they are never satisfied with anything is a person who has not yet fully grasped the concept of gratitude, appreciation, thanksgiving, and blessing. Never content with what they have, this kind of person adopts a gluttonous approach to living. They want and want and want until their wanting becomes an addiction and rebellion comes if their needs are not met. Nothing seems to please their insatiable appetite for things of the world.

It’s a sad state and so many people are trapped within it today. The world never stops pressing people to gain more and more possessions. Sometimes the pull is to go after items more expensive that can be afforded because status seems to be everything. We want to wear the nicest clothes and drive the fanciest car, and live in a home that is stately and regal. Our drive for prestige through our possessions drags us well beyond the boundaries of sensibility and often we don’t wake up until our bills start piling up and we’re left to figure out how to pay for all the things we attained.

Friends, wouldn’t it be more advantageous if we would devote all this desire and drive toward our relationship with the Lord who blesses us with what we have. Instead of seeking more, perhaps we would be better off being thankful for what God already have been given, instituting and practicing an attitude of gratitude unto the great Giver who is always working things out for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

If we did this and did it consistently, I believe there would be a further shift in the way we live. For when we take the focus away from ourselves and what we want, we are more able to open our eyes to the needs of others and instead of yearning to receive, we find ourselves compelled to give and return a portion of what the Lord has given us to make a difference in the life of another.

I don’t know about you but I have always felt great when I have done something selflessly for another. I think it’s God’s way of lifting our spirits and saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant. With you, I am well pleased.”

That’s what happens when we model the life of Jesus and live in righteousness. We turn our focus from receiving and we freely give to help someone else. I’ll take that any day over being devoured by beasts of the field and forest or any other judgment God would bring.

I think you would too.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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