Thursday, March 5, 2009


NOTE: As all of my readers know, there are times when I take a break from the walk through the scriptures to share something else that is on my heart. Today is one of those days. Tomorrow, I will resume my writings from 2nd Samuel.


Can I pray for you in any way? Send any prayer requests to In Christ, Mark

Well, my birthday has come once more…number 49. And where did I spend my entire day this year? On the firing range at Fort Jackson SC…and I mean ALL day from 7AM until 9:30 PM! Not much room for celebrating but I did have time to sit and reflect…and during that time received my words from the Holy Spirit that I am writing now…although tired and ready for bed.

For as I sat today and began to think about what might come in the new year, I couldn’t help but ponder the uncertainty of it all. After all, we have a vague idea of what we might be doing in the next year but rarely does it work out in just the way we imagine it.


Because life changes…our world changes…circumstances change…people change…and I could go on and on but you get the point. We live in a world that is ever changing occupied by a people who are ever changing.

So given all this, I know I am heading to Africa in about a week for a one year tour…at least I think that’s what’s going to happen…but I have no idea what to expect once I get there. It’s a big unknown right now because anything could happen.

OK…so as I enter this 49th year, one thing is certain and that is that the year ahead is completely uncertain as I sit here and type right now. Who knows, maybe I won’t be alive this time next year. Maybe birthday 50 never happens.

I’m sure you can relate to my feelings on this. For no one really knows what their future holds.

Well, almost no one.

For as we study the scriptures, we know that Jesus fully knew what was ahead for Him. Consider this passage from Matthew:

From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Matthew 16:21

Jesus knew His future before it happened. His destiny was sealed…a destiny that would involve heavy suffering before death and His subsequent resurrection. Nothing was unknown for Jesus because He was the Father’s one and only Son…and He understood that the only way to save mankind from destruction was to pay the cost for their sins by dying in their place. During the Passover season, Jesus became the sacrificial, unblemished Lamb of God…who washed away the sins of the world through His shed blood on the cross of Calvary.

Here’s the beauty in this message from God today.

We know we live a worldly life that has an unknown future.

We also know that Jesus lived a life where He foreknew His future before it happened.

So how can we go from having an unknown future…one that might bring its own share of anxieties and stresses as we wonder about what is yet to come?

Well…we need only turn to Jesus and profess Him as our personal Lord and Savior in order to cross over from the unknown certainty of a worldly life to the known future of acknowledging Jesus as Savior…the One who is preparing a place for you in heaven where you can live with Him for all eternity.

Friends, it’s this truth that buoys me up and allows me to forge ahead confidently and without fear of what’s to come. Because I know that in life or in death, I am with Jesus and whatever might come is just another opportunity to know Him more and to grow more into the man He was.

My prayer in this new year is that I do just that…continue to grow stronger in Christ and be used by Him in amazing ways for the glory of His Kingdom and the service of others.

To my faithful readers…God bless you all and may this next year in the life of The Christian Walk and its author be a blessing to your heart and soul. I love you all.

In Christ,


Pleas share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

Send any prayer requests to

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