Monday, May 21, 2018


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

However, after His brothers had left for the festival, He went also, not publicly, but in secret.

Now at the festival the Jewish leaders were watching for Jesus and asking, “Where is He?”

Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about Him. Some said, “He is a good man.”
Others replied, “No, He deceives the people.”

But no one would say anything publicly about Him for fear of the leaders.

John 7:10-13

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

The Feast of the Tabernacles was about to take place, a pilgrim observance commanded to be observed by God five days after the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, the Day of Atonement. All native born Jewish males were to head to Judea for the eight day celebration, also referred to as the Feats of Booths, a commemoration of how God provided for the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt to the Promised. Land.

As we saw in the first verses of John, Chapter 7, Jesus’ brothers were in His company, imploring Him to go to Judea with them so the disciples there could see the works He could do. Assuming Jesus had the desire to be a public figure, they reasoned that no one with that ambition would ever remain in secret. Rather, they would show their abilities to the world.

It all sounded logical but there was only one problem. Jesus wasn’t like any man who had ever walked the earth before. This is because no other man had ever been sent from heaven by God to do His work and will.

Given this, Jesus refused to go to Judea because it simply wasn’t the time to do so which really meant that it wasn’t the time that God had set for Him to go.

And so, Jesus remained behind in Capernaum as His brothers departed for Judea.

Would Jesus remain behind? Or would it be God’s will for Jesus to still head to Judea?

The answers are in today’s scripture passage as we continue to study John 7. Look again at these words here:

However, after His brothers had left for the festival, He went also, not publicly, but in secret.

Now at the festival the Jewish leaders were watching for Jesus and asking, “Where is He?”

Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about Him. Some said, “He is a good man.”
Others replied, “No, He deceives the people.”

But no one would say anything publicly about Him for fear of the leaders. John 7:10-13

We read where Jesus remained behind initially as His brother went off for Judea but then went to the festival incognito.


Well, because the Jewish religious leaders were on the lookout for Him and as we saw in yesterday’s devotion, they were looking for a way to kill Jesus (John 7:1).

And so Jesus remained in secret and while there, He heard first hand the widespread whispering about Him. 

“He is a good man.”

“No, He deceives the people.”

It was obvious that people weren’t sure how to grade Jesus but one thing that was common among the people, no matter what their view, was that they kept their opinions as secluded as Jesus was. They remained silent in regard to telling others about Jesus publicly.

I wonder how Jesus might have felt about this. And I wonder how many people, who had professed their belief in Him, fell silent when the chips were down.

This led me to wonder how Jesus would see things playing out in present times. If He disguised Himself and observed the daily life of believers today, I wonder what He would see.

Would He see Christians telling others about Him, even if it meant they might be persecuted for their actions?


Would He see professed Christ followers remaining silent when facing possible persecution for speaking out and sharing the good news of salvation through Him?

Finally, what do you think He would see in your own life?

My prayer is that He doesn’t hear silence.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.
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