Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Can I pray for you in any way? Send any prayer requests to

In Christ, Mark

The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

To show partiality is not good—yet a person will do wrong for a piece of bread.

Proverbs 28:21

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

WRITER’S NOTE: After today, I will be on a ship and heading back to the United States. I will try and post while away as much as possible but if for some reason connectivity does not allow it, I will be posting daily again once I arrive home.

Within a society, one of the things the people will desire more than anything is justice. It’s what keeps people safe and defended from wrong. It’s what ensures people receive fair and equitable treatment. It is the instrument that maintains good order and discipline.

You will often see the idea of proper legal justice portrayed by a scale with both sides equally balanced. This represents impartial decision making in rendering judgment, a judge that will always make the right decision in each and every case.

Another place where decisions are made regarding laws governing society is in government. In the United States, elected officials vote all the time on matters that directly impact their constituents. They are expected to make fair decisions and not pass laws that would be considered partial to one group of citizens over another.

So what happens when a judge or politician allows himself or herself to be swayed in the decisions they make?

You get a situation where partiality has occurred and that is sinful as far as God is concerned. Look at today’s proverb and you’ll see that’s true:

To show partiality is not good—yet a person will do wrong for a piece of bread. Proverbs 28:21

The Lord is THE Judge and it’s His guidance and lead we are to follow, no matter what position we are in. We only get into trouble when we allow others to sway us with bribes or enticements that lead us to make a decision influenced, not by what is right but rather what we can gain by making it.

A judge for example could receive a bribe and gain by ensuring his decision goes a certain way.

A politician could gain a lot of money for his campaign coffers if he would just cast his vote a certain way that would benefit the people giving him (or her) the money.

The Lord has to bristle in each instance this happens. No wonder He said that we cannot serve two masters: God and money (Matthew 6:24). Money can and will cause us to do wrong in life when we allow it to manipulate and persuade us away from seeking the Lord’s way in matters. Conversely, when we allow the Lord to guide us, we will always make judgments that are fair and true and just because He is perfectly fair and true and just.

God’s word is clear. To show partiality is not good. Trust His judgment and seek it when you need to render your own and you will never go wrong.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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