Sunday, January 24, 2016


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

This is what the Lord says, He who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the Lord Almighty is his name:

Jeremiah 31:35

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Would you agree that it helps to know you have someone on your side as you deal with the things of life, things that can bring as much hardship and challenge as they do comfort and joy?

I think everyone needs someone who they can count on to assist them in good times and bad.

With this, wouldn’t it be a reassurance to know that the one you count on can do all things with nothing beyond the possibility of His work or help?

Well, today you can be reassured now and forever. All you have to do is place your full trust in the Lord Almighty, the God who can do all things, the God who is all powerful and is ready to be as for us and He is with us.

Who is this omnipotent Lord Almighty?

Look at our scripture passage for today for a snapshot of Him:

This is what the Lord says, He who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the Lord Almighty is his name. Jeremiah 31:35

Pay particular attention to the fact it is the Lord Himself speaking here. We’re not getting guidance and direction from some secondary source. Rather, we are gaining knowledge about the Lord from His very mouth.

This is who He says He is:

1. He who appoints the sun.

“This is what the Lord says, He who appoints the sun to shine by day—the Lord Almighty is his name.”

Do you know anyone who is powerful and majestic enough to dictate to the sun where it goes and to shine by day on the world below?

First of all, no one can even get near the sun to do anything as it would burn them to a crisp, even from a long distance. Such is its intense heat.

But the Lord is not thwarted by the magnitude of the sun’s power because He is the One who made the sun, the only One who has a power greater.

This is the Lord who is on your side when you build a relationship with Him. The Lord who is with you and for you.

2. He who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night.

“This is what the Lord says, He who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night—the Lord Almighty is his name.”

We look to the night sky and are awestruck by the bright white moon we see each evening, a moon surrounded by so many stars that no one truly knows how many there are because no one has mapped the vast expanse of the universe. That universe that contains the moon and stars was made by He who created all things through His infinite might. The Lord Almighty is His name and He is the One who is with you and for you.

3. He who stirs up the seas so that its waves roar.

“This is what the Lord says, He who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the Lord Almighty is his name.”

I spent 28 and a half years in the United States Navy and many days on the oceans and seas of the world. I can tell you first hand that there is a power in the seas that, when unleashed, is as destructive as anything else in creation. In those times, when the seas swell and the waves roar, we know the Lord Almighty is at work, He who stirs up the sea and makes its waves roar. This is the Lord Almighty, He who is with you and for you.

We could go on and on and on with all the ways the Lord Almighty reveals His enormous power, making Himself evident to all but the point has been made. He who appoints the sun to shine, decrees the moon and stars to shine, and stirs up the seas, creating roaring waves, is He who is with us and for us, the One who watched over us and protects us, the One who judges and corrects us when we sin, the One who will one day resurrect us to life everlasting so we can dwell with Him forever.

We are blessed to have such a Creator and Master God to serve, a God who loves and cherishes us as His children and wants only the best for us.

Do you know this Lord Almighty, He who longs to be an integral part of your life, now and forever?


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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