Sunday, January 31, 2021


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In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in Me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

John 14:1-4

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

He was leaving.

Jesus, the man who had called each of the faithful members of His inner circle to follow Him, was now about to die. These men had abandoned everything to follow Jesus and now He in turn was about to abandon everything in order to save them and all others who would place their belief, hope, and trust in Him as Savior.

Put yourself in the place of the disciples who heard Jesus telling them He would soon be gone. It would have been very unsettling and difficult, right? I mean, talk about your world being turned upside down. I’m sure the minds of His followers were racing with anxiety and maybe these questions came to mind:

“Now what? All I’ve done for the past three years is go where Jesus went.”

“Where do I go now? Do I return home to the life I once lived? What is my purpose after all I have gone through with Jesus?”

“How will I be able to afford to live? Where will I stay? Where will I be able to find food to eat?”

I believe all these questions and thoughts - and even more - were running through the minds of the disciples. I also believe fully that Jesus knew their fears and worries without them even saying a word.

I say this because as we look at the opening four verses of John 14, we find Jesus trying to comfort His followers with words of assurance and promise, not just applying to their immediate state of need but their future as well.

First, we find Jesus exhorting His disciples to not let their hearts be troubled. These were words intended to bring peace in the midst of turmoil and they are words we need to remember as we find ourselves facing difficulty in life. For through Jesus, we can always find calm in the midst of life’s storms as He helps ease our troubled hearts and minds.

Next, we find Jesus reminding His followers as to why they shouldn’t let their hearts be troubled. For they believed in God and Jesus encouraged them to place that same faith in Him. After all, He proclaimed that He and God were one and so either had the power to do all things, to include meeting the needs of the disciples after Jesus’ passing.

Finally, Jesus wanted His disciples to know that although He was leaving them, it wasn’t permanent. In other words, it wasn’t farewell but rather just see you later. Jesus drove home the point that a wonderful, joyous reunion was ahead, a time when His followers would reunite with Him again.

So what would happen between His departure and the reunion?  

Jesus would be busy in preparation for the arrival of His followers. Like any good host, Jesus had the desire to show hospitality to those who would be coming to stay with Him. And He wanted His guests to know there would be plenty of room for everyone. For all who place their belief in Jesus will have a room in the Father’s house in heaven.

So when will that happen? When will Christ followers experience a permanent address change from this world into the Father’s house?

Jesus tells His disciples and us as well today.

For He didn’t leave any of His followers here in this world to abide permanently. Rather, He will be coming back to take them away so they might be able to be where He is and be there forever.

And with that, the disciples need not worry about where their Savior would be going. Yes, He would die but He would then live again, raised from the tomb by way of the resurrection power of His Father God, the Father God who would then draw His Son to His side and place Him in authority over all things in heaven and on earth.

This is where Jesus was going, to dwell with His Father in heavenly bliss and this is the place that awaits us one day as believers in Jesus. For no matter what happens to us in this life, we are never going to be left without a home. Through Jesus, God has made sure we all have a place to go.  


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.
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