Friday, January 26, 2024


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In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Hebrews 4:13

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Do you remember when you were a little kid?

Although my memories seem to fade off more and more about that time as I continue to get older, there are some things I know I did because all children do them.

For example, I know that from the time I knew the difference between right and wrong, I increasingly tried to hide my intentional disobedience as associated with the things my parents expected.

I did it and I definitely got a healthy dose of this when I ended up parenting two daughters of my own and in both instances, here’s what I learned and maybe you can relate.

What I did in the dark always seemed to come into the light.

In other words, in ways I couldn’t explain then but fully understand now, my transgressions would get discovered, despite my best efforts to conceal them. Maybe you can relate.

In regard to my childhood, my parents seemed to have some special superpower, a sixth sense that allowed them to peer into my heart and mind to see what I had done.

As a parent, I realized the Holy Spirit was that sixth sense, the Counselor who was always helping me raise up my children into righteousness and part of that was exposing wickedness when it tried to gain a foothold.

As adults, we all still seem to try and revert back to our childhood days. We do things we shouldn’t and we go to great lengths to make sure no one will know about them. And unlike our childhood, our adult sins are at a whole new level as we graduate to more lofty degrees of wrongdoing. Like Ten Commandment levels of iniquity.

Adults murder others.

Adults steal from others.

Adults disrespect and dishonor their parents in ways that are embarrassing and disgusting.

Adults commit adultery, violating marital vows made in the sight of the Lord.

Adults willingly choose to labor on the seventh day that God has deemed blessed and holy.

Adults testify falsely against others, outright lying to try and damage others while elevating themselves.

Adults worship other worldly things more than they worship God if they worship Him at all.

And adults never seem to be satisfied with what God has given them, choosing to covet what others have instead.

Things get ugly when we move from childhood to adulthood and we become increasingly evil and wicked with no parent around anymore to keep us in check.

Wait. Let me rephrase that to say that we don’t have an earthly parent watching us to keep us in check.  I say this because we have a divine, holy Parent, our Heavenly Father, the Lord God Almighty who sees everything and is keeping an account of everything we do, whether anyone in the world knows or not. The scriptures affirm this as we look at verse 13 of Hebrews, chapter 4. There, we read this:

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Did you catch that first word?

It’s something called an absolute statement. In this case, there is “nothing in all creation” that is “hidden from God’s sight”. Nothing means nothing. No exceptions. The Lord sees everything I do and everything you do. Everything.

Let that sink in for a minute because it should leave you with a very uneasy feeling in your soul, something technically referred to as conviction. And that sense of guilt, knowing that God saw whatever sinful thing you thought you did in secret, should drive you immediately to heartfelt repentance over your behavior that has been “uncovered” and laid bare”.  

By design, God has instituted the best accountability system ever since the dawn of man. For since nothing is kept from His sight, no person ever gets away with anything. He will never fail in keeping an account of our actions and then hold us responsible for them.

The bottom line is that nothing we do is ever concealed from our Lord...and this is something we should rejoice and be glad over. For as we Christians work daily to be more Christ-like in our behavior, I know I am thankful to know that I serve a God who cares for me enough to watch over me and correct me when needed, just like any good parent will their children when they do wrong. When done properly and in a way that honors the Lord, discipline isn’t carried out because the imposer loves the one corrected less but rather more. It’s always done with the hope of helping the wrongdoer become better than they were.

We’re all works in progress, clay still in the hands of God, the Master Potter, the Mighty One who sees and identifies our flaws with the desire to correct them if we only submit ourselves to Him. My prayer is that we all will do just that and as we do remain mindful that nothing is concealed from the sight of the Lord. He sees all we do.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it. Send any prayer requests to

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