Thursday, March 3, 2016


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“But if you refuse to surrender, this is what the Lord has revealed to me:”

“All the women left in the palace of the king of Judah will be brought out to the officials of the king of Babylon. Those women will say to you:”

“‘They misled you and overcame you—those trusted friends of yours. Your feet are sunk in the mud; your friends have deserted you.’”

“All your wives and children will be brought out to the Babylonians. You yourself will not escape from their hands but will be captured by the king of Babylon; and this city will be burned down.”

Jeremiah 38:21-23

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Today’s devotion begins with this statement of absolute truth:

The Lord demands and expects our obedience to His word, will, and way.

The bottom line that serves as the foundation of this truth is that God is God and we are not. He is the Master and Maker of us all and we are all subordinate to His authority. All of us.

So when God says we are to do something, we had better do it. Or else.

You see, there is a cost for disobedience and it can sometimes be a very steep cost.

Take the situation that King Zedekiah of Judah faced as we look into the scriptures of Jeremiah, Chapter 38. After Jeremiah had been rescued from the miry mud of the cistern of Malkijah, you’ll recall the king summoned him for a conversation regarding the future and Jeremiah presented him with a proposition.

If Zedekiah surrendered himself over to King Nebuchadnezzar, then he would be spared along with his family and the city of Jerusalem.

It was as simple as that. The Lord spoke through Jeremiah and told the king exactly what he was to do. There were no other options for Zedekiah to consider, except for one: the option to be disobedient to what the Lord had called him to do.

Just in case the king was considering this, we find Jeremiah again reminding him of the consequences that would occur if he did not comply with what the Lord had told him to do. Look again at our passage for today:

“But if you refuse to surrender, this is what the Lord has revealed to me:”

All the women left in the palace of the king of Judah will be brought out to the officials of the king of Babylon. Those women will say to you:

“‘They misled you and overcame you—those trusted friends of yours. Your feet are sunk in the mud; your friends have deserted you.’”

“All your wives and children will be brought out to the Babylonians. You yourself will not escape from their hands but will be captured by the king of Babylon; and this city will be burned down.”  Jeremiah 38:21-23

Note that Jeremiah got right into the penalty Zedekiah would face if he chose to violate God’s word.

First, it would be made clear that the advisors Zedekiah chose to trust over Jeremiah would be revealed as being the deceivers that they were. As we have seen in prior scriptures from this book, Zedekiah had listened to false prophets who had assured him that the Israelites would not fall to the Babylonians but rather would escape from the attack intact and unscathed.

As you would imagine, this was in direct contradiction to what the Lord was saying through His prophet. Zedekiah had two messages to choose from, one a lie, the other a truth.

If he would choose the lie, Jeremiah makes one thing very clear through the words of the women who were left in the palace of the king: the men Zedekiah considered as friends would be nowhere to be found once Zedekiah was captured by the Babylonians. He would have no support from them, deserted and left to fend for himself.

And just in case the king was willing to accept this, the Lord upped the ante regarding the punishment that would befall Zedekiah. For his choice would not just have negative ramifications for himself but his family as well. Scripture tells us that all the king’s wives and children would be brought out and handed over to the Babylonians. They would be captured and subject to whatever fate the Nebuchadnezzar deemed appropriate to include death. Perhaps, Zedekiah would even have to watch his own family be killed one by one before he would face his own execution.

Did I say there was often a deep cost associated with disobedience?

But that wasn’t all because the beloved, holy city of Jerusalem would be burned to the ground and left in smoldering ruin. Even God’s temple would not be spared. Zedekiah and the Israelites had defiled what was once holy through their blatant sinfulness and so God would destroy Jerusalem as He had done to other sinful cities before (remember Sodom and Gomorrah?).

All this would happen if Zedekiah was disobedient and only if he was disobedient.

So which way would he choose: the way of obedience or the way of disobedience?

We’ll soon see as we continue to study the Book of Jeremiah but for today, we need to realize that God hates disobedience. There is no doubt about that and so none of us should ever think that insubordination toward God is ever acceptable because it isn’t.

If we really see God for who He is against who we are, then we will never have a problem giving our own desires over to His because we will not want to have to suffer the consequences that come when we decide we don’t have to live in compliance with His will, word, and way.

In other words, we will fully realize there is a high cost for disobedience and choose to not have to ever pay that cost, opting to always live in obedience to God each and every day.


In Christ,


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