Monday, January 19, 2015


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected. For fools speak folly, their hearts are bent on evil. They practice ungodliness and spread error concerning the Lord; the hungry they leave empty and from the thirsty they withhold water. Scoundrels use wicked methods, they make up evil schemes to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just.

But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand.

Isaiah 32:5-8

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

The opening verses of Chapter 32 of Isaiah speak of a place where righteousness will reign supreme because that place will be under the jurisdiction and rule of Jesus, the One who rules over perfect righteousness, the One who leads the people who submit to His rule to a place of living right through their every thought, word, and action. These people are the noble people of the world, those who are living fully for Christ by allowing Him to live fully within them by way of the Holy Spirit.

But not everyone is noble. Not everyone has chosen to submit themselves to the rule of the Son of God who granted Him all authority over heaven and earth. These people are simply referred to as the foolish and they have specific characteristics as found in these verses as we continue to study this chapter:

First, the foolish person is not dignified or respected no matter how much they believe they are. They might find human beings who might tend to make them feel like they are noble but the truth of the matter is that it’s only the Lord’s opinion that counts and anyone who chooses sin and wickedness instead of the righteousness He offers will always be considered a fool and not within the Lord’s favor.

Secondly, a foolish person acts or speaks in folly which is defined as a lack of good sense or judgment, a foolish act or idea, or a costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome. This folly results from people choosing to follow their own ways or to follow the advice or guidance of others instead of allowing the Lord to direct their ways and provide His perfect direction. The only wise acts or words one will ever speak will be the acts and words prompted by the Lord’s will.

Third, foolish people have their hearts bent on evil. Now, most people might not be quick to call themselves evil and so the scriptures give us a couple of qualifiers. For one, a foolish person practices ungodliness. In other words, an evil person chooses to live their lives apart from God, a decision that only leads a person into sinfulness as they have rejected righteousness. A byproduct of practicing ungodliness is openly spreading errors or false teachings concerning the Lord. This is because their lives are dictated by the instigator of all falsehood and deceit, none other than Satan himself. And yes, if you are living apart from the Lord, then you are living in partnership with Satan, it’s plain and simple. This is why it is so foolish from anyone to choose this life.

Fourth, a foolish person fails to care for those who are in need, leaving the hungry empty and withholding water from the thirsty. Instead of helping the poor, they seek instead to destroy them even when the need is just. Again, it’s a separation from Christ that leads to this kind of attitude. For anyone truly in Christ is to have a compassionate, caring, and selfless heart, ever ready to put themselves second to anyone who had a need. This defined the life and ministry of Jesus, His willingness to willingly sacrifice Himself for the good of another or others. Any real disciple of Jesus will do likewise.

And so back to the question from this devotion:

Are you noble or foolish?

The answer really centers on Jesus.

For if you are in Christ Jesus, then you will allow His Spirit to fully live within your heart and mind. When you do that, then all that you think, all that you say, and all that you do will be in and of your Savior as you live in accordance with His will and way, a will and way that leads you to nobleness because He is perfectly noble in every way.

But if you have rejected Christ Jesus in your life, then you have chosen sin over righteousness, wickedness over goodness, and selfishness over selflessness, all imprudent decisions when living under the view and judgment of the Lord God Almighty who sent His Son to be treasured and accepted for salvation, not rejected for the very sin Jesus would have to die for. If you have opted for this, then you are truly foolish, not by my standards because I am no one to judge you, but from the standards of the unerring word of God.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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Unknown said...

is it possible to go from foolishness to being noble...having a heart towards HIM then speaking just words.......

Mark said...

It is absolutely possible Lisa because nothing is impossible with God. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21) When we make Jesus our sole treasure in life, as we should if we are Christian, then He will be in our hearts and then and only then will our thoughts, words, and actions be noble and holy and right. As in all things in life, all that we need to be, all that the Lord expects us to be comes through being in and of Jesus. I will be praying for you to that end and blessings to you always.

In Christ,
