Sunday, January 28, 2024


Can I pray for you in any way?

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In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Remember for a moment where you were before you decided to believe in Jesus as Savior.

You were a sinner who lived before a God who hated sin, a God who would bring eternal judgment in the form of never ending damnation and torment after your death. Before this sure punishment was imposed, you would still be summoned to appear before Him to answer for the life you lived. Every transgression, every single wicked thought, word, or action would be considered as your offenses were pronounced in advance of the punishment.

Talk about a totally uncomfortable and incredibly heart-wrenching place to be, right?

And yet, there are millions upon millions of people in this world right now who are there, many of which believe the lie that they are a good person and therefore, by merit of that, will be go to Heaven when they die.

It’s nothing short of a tragic delusion propagated by an evil illusion created and manifested by Satan. The importance of speaking the Gospel truth to others is reaching critical mass to reduce the prospective population of Hell.

This sharing of Gospel truth is at the heart of every Christian’s calling, a calling grounded in the Great Commission decree of Jesus to make disciples of all nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit while teaching them to obey all He commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). We are to share the good news of Jesus and do so with the blessed assurance of knowing we are sinners who have been saved by grace and grace alone through the redeeming work of Christ on the cross, a redeeming work that allows us to approach God with bold confidence. For as Paul writes in the very first verse of one of the greatest chapters in the New Testament outside of the Gospel, Romans 8:

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  

Looking at the final verse of Hebrews, chapter 4, we see how any Christian believer can “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence” so to “receive mercy and find grace to help (them) in (their) time of need”. Those who are in Christ will stand before God to give an account of their lives, just like the unsaved sinner, but the big difference is that Jesus will step in and intercede for anyone who is in Him. Through His atoning sacrifice, He has already paid the sin penalty for all Christians. They are justified (or made just as if they had never sinned) as they stand before God’s throne confident that He will do what He promised and bring the Jesus believer to eternal life.

This is the beauty of salvation. It replaces the punishment of Hell, not because of anything the Christian has done but what Jesus did, providing grace and mercy to help us in our time of greatest need, the need for pardon from our sin.

Friends, my prayer is that in the week to come, we will embrace the surety of Heaven we have in Jesus and dedicate ourselves to helping the unsaved find that same surety in their lives. Pray for the Lord to bring those opportunities to you and I assure you He will answer those prayers, leading you towards making a Kingdom difference in the lives of those who are not in Christ Jesus, the Savior of the world.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it. Send any prayer requests to

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