Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Can I pray for you in any way? Send any prayer requests to

In Christ, Mark

The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the Lord that one gets justice.

Proverbs 29:26

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

I had a work situation once that taught me an important lesson.

It began rather difficult as I was working hard to become a viable member of my work team but did not seem to have the favor of my supervisor. No matter how hard I was working, it seemed they weren’t pleased and their attitude toward me was distant at best. I found myself trying hard to please them and find their favor but that wasn’t happening. Frustrated, I finally had to sit down and confront my supervisor with my feelings as I couldn’t go on working in that kind of environment. After that, things got a lot better and slowly but surely I found myself in good graces with my boss. The relationship was great at least for the present time.

For later on, the issue came back. I had just taken over a new responsibility and there was a disagreement between my supervisor and me over the handling of a matter. The disagreement was really rooted in us trying to work out lines of responsibility when it came to coordination or personnel and should have easily been handled with talking things out and moving forward. Unfortunately, things regressed back to the earlier experience I had as I was given the “cold shoulder” and treated with an attitude, something I allowed to bother me. I wanted so much to be in the favor of my supervisor, to be treated right.

The problem with all this was that I was seeking the audience with the wrong person.

You see, instead of being worried about pleasing my supervisor, I should have just been concerned about pleasing the Lord, the only One who is my rightful Judge, the only One who will always treat me justly.

I was reminded about this truth as I read today’s proverb, a very timely word for me today (and I pray for you). Look at it again here:

Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the Lord that one gets justice. Proverbs 29:26

How often do we look for favor and justice in all the wrong places?

How often do we let our world revolve around trying to please people who will never be satisfied?

It’s an easy trap for anyone to fall into. Thanks be to God for His word that provides us the needed wisdom and guidance to escape from our entrapment and be set free to live under the standards and expectations of the One who will always stay constant, the One who always assess us fairly, the One who never fails to love us no matter how we might fail and fall.

Truly, life would be so much easier if we just kept our focus on the Lord and His expectations for us. I know I feel so very blessed to be liberated today from my negative emotions, reminded yet again that I only need to seek the audience of the Lord to find myself in the right company, today and forever more.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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