Saturday, May 17, 2014


Can I pray for you in any way? Send any prayer requests to

In Christ, Mark

The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“There are three things that are stately in their stride, four that move with stately bearing: a lion, mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing; a strutting rooster, a he-goat, and a king secure against revolt.”

Proverbs 30:29-31

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

How do you walk through life?

Do you walk in a way that lets others see you are different through your identity in Christ? Or do you walk in a way that fails to distinguish you from anyone else who languishes in the errant ways of the world?

How others read us makes all the difference in the world in how we project Jesus to the world. There is little doubt about that.

I touch on this matter because it is centered on the theme of today’s final devotion based on Agur’s “things” statements in Proverbs, Chapter 30. Look again at his words here:

“There are three things that are stately in their stride, four that move with stately bearing: a lion, mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing; a strutting rooster, a he-goat, and a king secure against revolt.”  Proverbs 30:29-31

Note here that Agur is sharing an observation about things he has seen, about the way these things carry themselves. These sightings have been categorized, the objects couldn’t be more different but their actions are similar in nature.

A lion would attack and kill the rooster, goat, or king but shares the same stately mannerism when they are not in the same company. The rooster in its environment rules the roost and struts in a way that let’s everyone know it. The same applies for the he-goat in the midst of a group of she-goats. There is little doubt who is in charge as they stand in front, leading and guiding their flocks. And of course, a king who has a strong defense against his enemies walks with a bold confidence and assurance brought on by the peace of knowing he and his people are protected from any enemy.

Four very separate entities. One similar attitude viewed in their demeanor.

As Christians, we are to walk as if we are in company with the greatest king who has ever lived, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. In Him, we are set free from fear and worry and stress and anxiety, liberated from the things of this world that would shackle us down and paralyze us from acting as He commanded. We can walk about in stately confidence in the midst of a world where people tread in uncertainty.

Question: Do people see you are in and of Jesus in the way you carry yourself in life?

The answer makes a huge difference in our effectiveness in bringing the good news of Christ to others. For if people see Christians living in consistent states of hopelessness and despair and depression and sorrow, then they would not see any reason to leave the ways of the world they live in. Christians would be no different than anyone else in their eyes. But when we dare to be different, to show others that despite going through the same worldly experiences as others, we are victorious through the Savior who brought the victory, then we make a significant statement to others about what Christ means to us in our lives. It is an absolute game changer of the highest degree.

People don’t just need to hear words of hope. They need to see hope with their very eyes. And when they see it, they will want to have it for themselves, something they will seek and find through the same Jesus they see in Christians who live in hope and peace - and the comfort and assurance that comes in both.

Friends, this final “things” devotion sends a powerful message to us from the Lord, a message that calls for us to examine the way we are walking, to evaluate the way we are seen by others as Christians.

My prayer is that we all will live out the exhortation of Peter when he wrote:

In your hearts revere Christ as Lord (and) always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

Interesting words from Peter who knew well how actions can either support Jesus or deny Him. In the end, he got it and realized that the way we live makes all the difference in reflecting the hope that only Jesus can bring, an eternal hope that transcends this worldly existence we’re in now.

In the end translation, people will ask us to share the hope we have but they first have to see it in us. Live in the hope that you have in Jesus and do it in full sight of the whole world. For no one will ever be able to take that hope from you. Not now. Not ever.


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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