Saturday, January 15, 2022


Can I pray for you in any way?

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In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Have you ever written a letter, card, or email to someone and got stuck trying to find the right closing words to say?

If so, the Holy Bible provides a solution in today’s single verse from Romans 15. Look at these words from verse 13:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

It’s one single sentence of a mere 31 words but consider these five things it offers the reader.

1. The God of hope.

May the God of hope fill you...

Face it, we all want hope in life. Not the false hope we often find when we place our trust in unreliable, untrustworthy people or entities of the world but rather true hope, hope that is certain and steadfast.

In God and God alone, we find the true hope we yearn for. He is the only One who perfectly keeps the promises that give us hope.

2. Joy.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy...

No one likes to lives in the doldrums, depressed and despaired by life. I think we all have been there and it’s not a great place to be.

Conversely, I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t crave joy, the extreme happiness that comes when we have something to celebrate.

So how can we find sustainable joy and avoid being dragged into the pit of gloom and despondency?

We turn to the God of hope and allow Him to fill us with joy, joy that serves to be living water to our souls, joy that shows us we’re too blessed in life to be stressed.

3. Peace.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace...

Life’s tough, right?

At any one time, we can have a whirlwind of circumstances spinning around us. Money issues, work issues, family issues, health issues, and personal issues can all be a part of the whirlwind.

And then we add a contagious pandemic.

Yeah, I think we all could use more peace in our lives and God is ready to fill us with it. He’s ready to remind us that there’s nothing beyond the work of His hands and the scriptures validate this. Over and over and over again, God’s people would face what looked like impossible odds against sure peril and God would step in and show them His power.

Friends, we serve the same God today and we should be letting everyone one we can know it. Nothing that we will go through in life is beyond His intervention and correction. He has already worked problems greater than the ones we are going through.

Remember this, turn to Him and lay your burdens at the foot of His throne, and let Him fill you with a peace that transcends understanding (Philippians 4:6-7).

4. Trust.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him...

Something awesome happens when we place our faith in the God of hope who rewards that faith with joy and peace.

We learn how to trust.

You see, there are many people and organizations who will try to convince you to place trust in them. And too often, we do only to end up disappointed and feeling violated because someone failed to make good on what they promised. These failures in delivering on the confidence we put in others often leaves us jaded and disenfranchised. We can get to a point where we are skeptical when it comes to trusting anyone or anything.

This is why we need to turn to God for in Him, we find perfection when it comes to trustworthiness. God’s word is always true and so when the Bible tells us that the God of hope will fill us with joy and peace when we turn to Him, you can trust that it will happen.

God always keeps His word. You’ll never find anyone else who will so why place your trust in anyone or anything else?

We need to be reminded of this. We need to remind others of this and that’s what makes this verse a perfect closing to any correspondence we share with other.

But wait. There’s still one more offering gained from these 31 words.  

5. The power of the Holy Spirit.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we place our trust in the God of hope who then fills us with joy and peace, we gain the power of the Holy Spirit, the means by which God communicates, leads, comforts, and empowers us as we live this thing called life. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual lifeblood as God allows His goodness to flow into His believers in abundance.

Through the Holy Spirit, He will make hope overflow in your life. Ditto for joy, peace, and every other good and perfect thing God can provide...and keep in mind He can provide everything we could ever ask for, all we could ever need.

So as we are communicating with people we care about, let’s close our remarks with this verse, a simple verse that encourages the reader to turn their focus to the God of hope, to place their trust in the Lord who provides all good things to overflow in their lives in accordance with His will and by way of the power of the Holy Spirit.

As I close, this is my prayer for you today.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.
Send any prayer requests to

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