Monday, February 20, 2017


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders.”

Micah 7:15

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

In the first devotion from Micah 7, we found the prophet lamenting over the fallen world he found himself within, an environment punctuated by sinfulness and disobedience against God, an environment he placed in God’s hands, willing to watch and wait for Him to act against.

And God did act, sending judgment against the Israelites which would span for seventy years, a judgment that humbled the once proud, powerful, holy nation and made it the laughing stock of their enemies who took great pleasure in gloating over Israel’s misfortunes.

All would not remain bad for Israel however for the Lord brought them back to their homeland after they served the allotted time of punishment. He restored His people and made the way for them to rebuild their country, their cities and towns, their homes, and, of course, their relationship with Him. Indeed, as we saw in yesterday’s devotion, Israel would rise up from the depths of God’s consequences and once again become a mighty nation, perhaps even mightier than before.

Once again, they would be a people dedicated to God and He in turn would be dedicated to them.

As we see in today’s scripture passage, the Lord speaks to His beloved nation and gives them this hope for the future, saying:

“As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders.”

Surely the Israelites were well aware of the mighty wonders God showed His people during their exodus from Egypt to Canaan under the leadership of Moses. You remember those miracles, right? They included:

1. The dividing of the Red Sea.

You’ll recall that the Israelites faced a real barrier to escaping Egypt and Pharaoh and his soldiers who were in hot pursuit. For they came to the Red Sea and there was no way anyone was swimming across to safety.

Enter the amazing, wondrous power of the Lord God Almighty who channeled His power through Moses to part the sea and allow the Israelites to cross on dry land. I can just imagine how wide-eyed God’s people were as they walked between walls of water, walls that would come crashing down on Pharaoh and his men once all the Israelites had crossed safely (Exodus 14).

2. Supernatural, divine GPS.

The Israelites would have had no navigational devices to help them get from Egypt to Canaan, the land God had promised to give His people to settle in. They needed guided to where God wanted them to be and God provided that guidance in the form of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13, Nehemiah 9).

3. Water from a rock.

The people of God were in the midst of their wilderness journey and they found themselves out of water. There was great fear amongst the Israelites that they might die of dehydration before ever reaching the land they had been promised. Again, enter God who brought water out of a rock after Moses struck it with his staff. Once again, the Israelites had drink (Exodus 17).

4. Food from the heavens.

A lack of water wasn’t the only thing that plagued the Israelites. For they reached a point where they ran out of food as well and faced starvation unless some provision came their way. And so God did what God does. He provides for the needs of His people. Soon manna came down from heaven in the morning, bread for the people to eat. Then in the evening, God sent quail from the heavens and His people had meat to eat. God did not long for His people to go hungry and they found they had plenty to eat (Exodus 16).

I could go on but you get the point. God had done incredible things for the Israelites as He brought them out of Egypt and now He was promising to perform more wonders for the people of Micah’s day. It had to be a source of great encouragement and comfort for the Israelites who were returning from another lengthy time away from home.

Today, we need to revisit the exodus ourselves from time to time so we stay reminded of the tremendous, remarkable power of the Lord, a Lord through which nothing is impossible. For He is still the same God of wonders and we should never discount what He can do in our lives or the lives of others.

Nothing is ever beyond the work of His almighty hands.  


In Christ,


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