Sunday, April 24, 2016


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

This is what the Lord says:

“See, I will stir up the spirit of a destroyer against Babylon and the people of Leb Kamai. I will send foreigners to Babylon to winnow her and to devastate her land; they will oppose her on every side in the day of her disaster. Let not the archer string his bow, nor let him put on his armor. Do not spare her young men; completely destroy her army. They will fall down slain in Babylon, fatally wounded in her streets.”

“Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad.”

Jeremiah 51:1-4, 7

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

As Jeremiah 51 opens, we find the Lord continuing to address the mighty Babylon, an empire once used by Him as an instrument of judgment on other nations but now would see that same judgment come back upon them by way of the Persians and other nations who would bring a merciless assault that would bring the Babylonians down. We see all of this come to life in the following verses:

This is what the Lord says:

“See, I will stir up the spirit of a destroyer against Babylon and the people of Leb Kamai. I will send foreigners to Babylon to winnow her and to devastate her land; they will oppose her on every side in the day of her disaster. Let not the archer string his bow, nor let him put on his armor. Do not spare her young men; completely destroy her army. They will fall down slain in Babylon, fatally wounded in her streets.”

“Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad.”  Jeremiah 51:1-4, 7

First of all, I want you to note that the Babylonians were once a “gold cup in the Lord’s hand” as He used their mighty fighting forces to punish nations who had opposed Him to include His beloved Israelites in the southern kingdom of Judah and its holy city, Jerusalem. It wasn’t that the Babylonians were so much better than the countries they destroyed. They weren’t. Not by a long shot.

You see, that’s what got them in the same mess as those nations they attacked and decimated. For the Babylonians worshiped false gods and idols, even when they were being used by the one true God, the one and only God to fulfill His purposes. There was no move toward repentance by the people of Babylon, no attempt to realize the wrongs of their ways and give their full attention, affection, and devotion to the Lord who saw them as His gold cup.

Instead, they reveled in the great power and success they achieved, never once acknowledging the might and authority of the God who granted it to them. In other words, their life attitude and relationship with the Lord was anything but gold standard.

Well, how does the old saying go?

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away – and the Babylonians were about to see the saying play out in its fullest meaning.

For bad times were coming for the great Babylonian empire. The Lord Himself promised so when He said the following:

“See, I will stir up the spirit of a destroyer against Babylon and the people of Leb Kamai. I will send foreigners to Babylon to winnow her and to devastate her land; they will oppose her on every side in the day of her disaster. Let not the archer string his bow, nor let him put on his armor. Do not spare her young men; completely destroy her army. They will fall down slain in Babylon, fatally wounded in her streets.”


Not a pretty picture, is it?

And who would have thought this would come?

After all, by the Lord’s own admission, Babylon had been the gold cup He held in His hand. It’s the place where anyone should want to be, a place of honor, a place where someone can say the Lord used them to fulfill His purposes.

Babylon had it all going for themselves and they let it slip away because they forgot to respect and revere the One who had blessed them with the chance to serve Him. Through choosing sin over righteousness, they gave up their place of favor with the Lord and instead fell into His judgment, allowing the gold cup to pass to the Persians

Friends, the word of the Lord is speaking powerfully to us today and telling us that we all should aspire to be in a place where we are the gold cup the Lord holds in His hand, seen by Him as having the desire and skills He needs to achieve His desires within His kingdom here on earth. He wants to use all of us to achieve glorious things, things that might involve becoming an instrument of His discipline on another but it may also include being a blessing to someone as the Lord pours us out of His gold cup to make a difference in the life of another person or persons. Perhaps we can see no greater example of this than in Jesus, God’s only Son who was poured out as a sin sacrifice so we might be saved.

So in closing, some questions for you to consider:

Won’t you allow the Lord to use you in some way this week that brings Him honor and glory?

Won’t you acknowledge that you have no power to achieve anything truly good without the power of the Lord’s Spirit within you, a Spirit who will always guide you onto the path of righteousness and thus right living?

Won’t you commit yourself to be more and more like Jesus until every fiber of your body and soul models His?

and finally,

Won’t you allow yourself to be the gold cup the Lord holds in His hand, submitting yourself to faithfully fulfill His word, will, and way?


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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