Monday, February 23, 2009


NOTE: As all of my readers know, there are times when I take a break from the walk through the scriptures to share something else that is on my heart. Today is one of those days. Tomorrow, I will resume my writings from 2nd Samuel.


Can I pray for you in any way? Send any prayer requests to In Christ, Mark

Around 17 years ago, I was walking in a lot of darkness. I was about three years on the other side of a divorce after nearly 10 years of marriage…a marriage fouled by my wife’s infidelity. Being in my early 30’s and a non-drinker, I wasn’t sure how I might even meet another mate to share life together with.

Well, I went through a series of dating disasters (maybe some of you can relate to this) and was about to just give up but something awesome happened that revealed to me the awesome nature of grace. For as I went to the Norfolk VA elementary school that I was volunteering at as a tutor (I was working weekly with two third grade classes), I met a wonderful lady who would change my life forever…a lady who only the Lord could bring.

We had met a few times before that day in January 1992 but never spoke about anything except our professions. In fact, I only knew her by her last name. But something was different on that one special day. For as she was talking to me, she said she was going to the movies that weekend…and I then mustered up enough courage to ask her if she was going by herself. Much to my immediate disappointment, she said she had a date and then added, “But he doesn’t know what direction he wants to go in”. And with that, she was called away over the intercom and I was left wondering what she meant.

Well, as I left the building that day, I felt the conviction to try and ask this assistant principal out on a date. I was stationed on a ship then and was about to go to sea for six weeks. I would only be in the school one more day before that so my window of opportunity was narrow. Still, I was determined to try and so I sent flowers to her and wrote the card so she would know it was from me…and I asked her to go to dinner with me the night before I sailed.

The next week, I went into the school, anxiously anticipating whether my invitation would be accepted. I went to the classes, did my tutoring and never saw the assistant principal. I assumed it just wasn’t to be and so as I finished up my volunteer work, I walked down the hallway and was on my way home when around the corner walked the assistant principal. She stopped, looked down the hallway and then looked at me and said with a big smile on her face, “I loved the flowers you sent me” before adding…”And the answer is yes”.

And so that evening, we went to dinner at a wonderful little restaurant in Virginia Beach and there was no doubt that we were meant for each other. We just sat and talked for so long that the waitress had to insist that we order. It was a magical night…sealed by a wonderful time with a wonderful woman.

Well as we began to talk about beginning our relationship, there was a little bump in the road. After all, any good story has a little drama.

Mine came when I was with this new wonderful woman in my life and let a word of profanity come out of my mouth. That was a bad idea on my part and something that I need to elaborate on.

You see, going through the outcome of a divorce wasn’t the only darkness I was walking through. For I had not walked with the Lord in my life for around 11 years and everything about me showed it…including the words that came out of my mouth. I was living the same false existence that so many people in the world live in. I thought I was a good person and everything was just fine with me. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

And so on that day that I let a curse word fly in the presence of this wonderful woman I had just met, I remember her looking at me in a way that I’ll never forget…a look that told me I should never do that again. She reinforced that look by saying, “Those words are just not acceptable to me.” She then added this and changed my life forever saying, “If we’re going to have a relationship, the Lord has to be first in everything.” I just remember looking at her and saying “OK” when inside I became a raging ball of anxiety.

You see, Satan was already trying to attack me when the name of the Lord was imparted on me. I stood there and was wondering the following thoughts:

“What does the Lord feel about me? After all, I have been away from Him so long?”

“Will I know anything about the bible? I grew up learning about it but it has been a long time. Will I remember the Old from the New Testaments?”

Yes, Satan was trying hard to regain control of me. But it was too late. For the Father was waiting all along for His prodigal to return…and He wrapped His loving arms around me, not in the spirit of condemnation but rather in the spirit of celebration. For I, His son, had been lost but now I was found…and He found me by working toward this magical, wonderful woman He brought into my life.

OK…I know you’ve been waiting for the name of this woman…this incredible blessing that the Lord brought to me and used to snatch me from the grips of sinfulness and bring me to this place seventeen years later…a place that has found the Lord using me in such awesome amazing ways to try and change the lives of others…just as the Lord changed mine back when I met my wife…my amazing Grace.

Why am I writing this today?

Because it is Grace’s birthday…the day when it’s natural to give thanks for the day that God brought he into His creation…but an additional celebration for me to honor the woman who allowed the Lord to use her to save a wretch like me…to help this man who was lost to become found.

Indeed, grace is amazing and my prayer is that everyone experiences it as fully as I have been able to. If this devotion touched you in a special way, why don’t you share your own testimony about God’s amazing grace in your life. Leave a post and bless others with your story.

I pray you have a blessed night in the Lord.

In Christ,


PS: If you would like to send Grace a Happy Birthday message, her e-mail is

PS #2: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

Send any prayer requests to

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