Tuesday, November 21, 2017


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In Christ, Mark

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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.
Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, “Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”

Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is ‘devoted to God,’ they are not to ‘honor their father or mother’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:”

“‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’”

Matthew 15:1-9

The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and saw some of His disciples eating food with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed. (The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing, holding to the tradition of the elders. When they come from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe many other traditions, such as the washing of cups, pitchers and kettles.)

So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t Your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?”

He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:”

“‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’”

“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

And He continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God)—then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

Mark 7:1-15

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.
There is a disturbing, problematic trend happening in the modern day church.

What is it?

Essentially, churches have chosen to allow their doctrine to assume more authority than the scriptures.

It’s true. Church polity in some of our largest denominations has changed in a way that runs counter to the very word of God itself. In fact, this very happening in a denomination affiliated church I was once a member and leader in led my wife and me to make the difficult choice to leave and move to a denomination and church that allows the Bible to be its sole guide toward the things it does.

Now many people get angry at the very mention of this subject but perhaps it’s something that needs to be discussed more than it is. Jesus seemed to think it was an important topic as we see in the opening verses of Matthew, Chapter 15, and Mark, Chapter 7. Since both passages are pretty similar, let’s look again at Mark’s account.

The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and saw some of His disciples eating food with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed. (The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing, holding to the tradition of the elders. When they come from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe many other traditions, such as the washing of cups, pitchers and kettles.)

So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t Your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?”

He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:”

“‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’”

“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

And He continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God)—then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.” Mark 7:1-15

It shouldn’t come as any surprise that the instigators of conflict in this passage were the Pharisees and teachers of the law. They always seemed ready and willing to try and stir things up with Jesus and this occurrence was no different.

At the center of the initial debate was the matter of not washing one’s hands before eating. As was their tradition established by the elders, the Pharisees and teachers of the law ceremoniously washed their hands before eating and they would never eat without first washing. Mark adds that they also observed similar traditions, washing “cups, pitchers, and kettles”.

And so given the things they did by tradition, the Jewish religious leaders went to Jesus and asked:

“Why don’t Your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?”

Note that it wasn’t a rebuke by question concerning the disciples breaking the words of scripture. Rather, it was a non-compliance with customs followed by the Pharisees and teachers of the law.

We immediately get the sense that Jesus is in no mood to play with the Jewish religious leaders who had to be tiresome with their relentless attempts to discredit Him and His followers. Jesus gets right down to the point He wants to make, that the Pharisees and teachers of the law had something about themselves that Jesus couldn’t stand and so He called it like it was saying:

“Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:”

“‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’”

“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

The Pharisees and teachers of the law were more concerned with upholding cultural mores that their elders had conjured up than they were the very commands of God. Their regulations had assumed a greater place of priority than the decrees and statutes their Lord had established. Doctrine had trumped truth. And as the prophet Isaiah had predicted while speaking the very words of God Himself, the Jewish religious authorities might have spoken the name of God with their lips but their hearts were in a different place. He was not the full object of their devotion and so their worship was in vain, their focus in teaching being on their own formulated rules than the law God established.

And just in case the Pharisees and teachers of the law needed an example to support and reinforce Jesus’ reprimand, He was at the ready to provide one. Look again at His words here:

“You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God)—then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

Here Jesus highlights yet another tradition that transcended the very commandments God handed down to the Israelites before they assumed custody of the Promised Land, decrees we know best as The Ten Commandments. One of those commandments was to “Honor your father and mother” and there were no caveats, no stipulations that might have made it okay for someone to violate God’s command.

And yet, the Pharisees and teachers of the law had made a caveat, creating their own tradition. Essentially, if someone had something that they dedicated to God, then that thing could not be used to help either of their parents, no matter how much the parents needed it. This despite the word of God clearly saying one was to honor their father and mother, period. Jesus called out the Jewish religious leaders for their sinfulness saying:

“…you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

Nullifying God’s word is not something He was going to stand for and since Jesus and His Father were one, it should come as no surprise that Jesus spoke with such condemnation and indignation toward the challenge from the Jewish religious authorities.

Bring this forward to modern times and ask yourself what Jesus thinks about the church today and the way so many denominations and churches are putting their fabricated doctrines over the truth that is only found in the word of God.

I believe in so many instances, we would hear Him repeat the words of Isaiah, the very words of His Father saying:

 “‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’”

“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

It’s time to get the church back to basics. It’s time to place the truth of God’s word at the place of authority it deserves, and that is a place that will always transcend human dogma and tradition.

In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

Send any prayer requests to OurChristianWalk@aol.com

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