Wednesday, February 3, 2016


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“You gave them this land you had sworn to give their ancestors, a land flowing with milk and honey. They came in and took possession of it.”

Jeremiah 32:22-23a

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Have you ever stopped to take account of how blessed you really are?

Life can come at us fast every day and it seems more and more that we are a people who won’t be satisfied until every single moment is occupied with something.

Did you catch the words, “won’t be satisfied”?

More on that later but can you relate to the truth that life can be the proverbial “rat race” at times?

It can be a struggle to just keep up and that creates a real problem for us because we tend to not cease activity long enough to realize how good God has been to us. We take the most common things for granted.

Like a roof over our heads and a place to call home.

Like food to eat and water to drink for our nourishment.

Like clothes to wear and cars to drive and jobs to work.

I could go on and on but you get the point. We all have a great deal to be thankful for and all of us should be giving praise to the God who makes it all possible, the God who provides for our needs in order so His purposes and will can be fulfilled.

Jeremiah reminds us of this as we continue to study from Chapter 32 of the book named after him. Look at his words here:

“You gave them this land you had sworn to give their ancestors, a land flowing with milk and honey. They came in and took possession of it.”  Jeremiah 32:22-23a

The Israelites had been set free and liberated from their oppressive captivity at the hands of Egypt and their pharaoh. God had delivered them to safety and then led them on a journey to Canaan, the land He had “sworn to their ancestors”, the land they would call home. It was a land of plenty, flowing with milk and honey. It was a land that the Israelites did come and take possession of, even if they had to come back a second time to do it after sinning before God during their first entry attempt, sin that resulted in a  judgment of forty more years of wilderness wandering before they could return.

Today, the people of Israel are still residing within the confines of the land God promised them. They are still His people and He is still their God, something they praise Him for every day.

So what about us? Are we praising God for what He has provided us?

And let’s go beyond this current land and life we live because God has promised us so much more than that through His Son Jesus Christ. For as we sit back and count our many blessings we have currently, we can’t fail to remember what is yet to come when the earth and heavens as we know them will be no more and those in Christ will be taken by their Savior to inherit the new earth and heaven, residing in the only new city mentioned in the scriptures, the holy city of New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-4). It is the new promised land for the 21st century, a land given by God to His people.

Thus, whether we are looking at our current life today or thinking about the eternal life to come, we see that God is our Great Provider and fully worthy to be praised for it.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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