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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.
This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
Matthew 1:18-19
This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.
Think about Jesus’ parents, Joseph and Mary, before God sent His angel Gabriel to inform Mary of her miraculous, supernatural conception.
Both lived in Nazareth and were “pledged to be married” to one another which in biblical times, meant they were engaged to be married in accordance with Jewish customs. All was well and things were normal and on track.
One of the customs that was stringently adhered to and enforced was that a woman had to maintain their virginity. Sexual purity was seen as one way a woman could glorify and honor God, saving intimate relations for the man she would wed and spend eternity with. To violate this norm would be grounds for divorce, excommunication from the community, “public disgrace”, and possible execution by stoning.
In other words, it was a big deal and Mary knew these implications when she simply submitted to what God desired and declared herself to be His servant, willing to trust Him and submit to what He asked her to do.
Indeed, when we look at Mary, we can’t help but be impressed and inspired by her steadfast faith in her Lord. She knew that her supernaturally-caused pregnancy was going to raise a lot of questions and spawn countless rumors for she would be considered guilty before any consideration of innocence. And as she returned to Nazareth now clearly showing a baby bump after spending three months with her relative Elizabeth, I’m sure some would even bring Joseph into the picture and accuse the couple of engaging in sex before the wedding day, an act that would make them both guilty. In the end translation, there weren’t many very good solutions for Mary or Joseph. Her trying to explain what really happened wouldn’t make matters any easier.
For imagine how those confronting Mary would have received her testimony that she actually was still a virgin because she had not had sexual relations with any man before sharing that it was God who had impregnated her. Since this had never happened in human history, no one would believe this and would most probably double down on the rebuking and judgment because any statement like this would be seen as blasphemy, disrespectful and dishonoring to God. It would have appeared that Mary was placing the blame for her pregnancy on the Lord and this would have been unacceptable to other God believers in that day.
Well, as we see in our scripture passage from the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph didn’t believe Mary either and dispatched the notion that she was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He was a devout Jew and man of God but he also loved Mary dearly, and so even though he knew he had to divorce her given the circumstances, he didn’t wish harm to come to her. This is why he had it “in mind to divorce her quietly”.
What Joseph didn’t know was that God really did cause Mary’s conception, promising that she would bear a Son and name Him Jesus. It was a covenant agreement of the highest order but now there were complications that threatened that covenant, complications that we will find God resolve in tomorrow’s message. For when God makes a promise He always keeps it, even when life circumstances bring difficulties into play. As we revisit the Christmas story during the Advent season, we need to remember this in our own lives and maintain an unwavering faith and trust in God, following the lead of Mary, and as we will also see Joseph do, no matter what comes and no matter the cost.
In Christ,
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