Wednesday, April 3, 2024


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In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

Hebrews 13:3

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

In 2015, I had started a job with the Virginia Department of Veterans Services, serving as a Resource Specialist for the Virginia Veteran and Family Support Program. I would meet with Veterans and/or their family members when there were needs and then try and get them connected to help. After I had become qualified to do case management, my regional leadership asked if I would be willing to work with incarcerated Veterans. And although I had never been in prison or correctional center before, I felt the Lord nudging me to the work and so I accepted.

That decision led to around four and a half years of work with Veterans who were serving time. I would end up going “inside the wire” at five different correctional centers to offer personal assistance to Veterans who were near release or experiencing issues with the VA benefits and entitlements.

Going back to the first time I went into a correctional center, there was a little anxiety. I guess this would be true for anyone. For after going through a stringent security check that made TSA’s at the airport look like the minor leagues, I was escorted to the place where I would meet with the Veterans to assist. This escorted journey took me to metal gates laced with concertina wire at the top. One gate would open and close before the other would open as you made your way into the main grounds. I was led into a hall and a room where there was a table and a bunch of plastic chairs you might find on a deck somewhere. I was in and my hope was that I would be able to get back out.

And with that, I started meeting with my first Veterans and when I did, my earlier nervousness was dispelled. Because when I started to build rapport with those seeking help, the Lord quickly prepared my heart and inclined it in the right direction. For although everyone I saw in orange jumpsuits was in there because of felony offenses they committed and were convicted of, I couldn’t view myself as any better than them. For as we read in the third chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (v.23) and ALL means ALL. It includes you, me, and all those in that correctional center as well as correctional centers, prisons, and jails across our country and the world as a whole.

All people need redemption and saving when it comes right down to it and only Jesus can give it.

So when I read today’s passage, the third blessed exhortation of this series, it takes on a very personal identity with me and my experience with men and women who committed crimes but were counting the days until their debt to society was paid and they could get a second chance to show the world they were a better person than they were before. Maybe you have your own personal testimony to share and if you so feel moved to do so, please leave a comment and share with others.

Ultimately, we are all prisoners when it comes right down to it, imprisoned and held in bondage by our sinfulness. And so when the scriptures call us to “remember those in prison” as if we were together with them, we need to remember our own imprisonment in our transgressions and see how Jesus is ready to set everyone free who places their belief in Him. For He Himself proclaimed that if the Son has set you free, then you are free indeed (John 8:36). He also said this:

“Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you came to visit Me.’”

“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and invite You in, or needing clothes and clothe You? When did we see You sick or in prison and go to visit You?’”

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.’” Matthew 25:34-40

So how can we make a difference in the lives of men and women in prison today, actively pursuing to answer the Lord’s call?

Many churches have a prison ministry. One that comes to mind immediately is Kairos Prison Ministry. You can learn more about them here to include how you can support their work if you are unable to get involved personally and make visits.

Another non-profit ministry that does great work and outreach with the incarcerated is Prison Fellowship ministries ( They offer opportunities to pray for the incarcerated, provide Bibles, and even serve in an advocacy role.

While you might not have the opportunity to go inside correctional centers and meet with incarcerated men and women first hand, there are things you can do to make a difference. I go back to when the Apostle Paul was imprisoned in Rome for simply bringing forth the Gospel and how he testified to being blessed anytime someone would take the time to go and visit with him. I know the incarcerated have the same longing today because I’ve heard their testimonies. The Word of God calls all Christian believers to action and in the case of today’s message, reminds us that we have no right to judge but rather to extend love and caring to those Jesus saw as “the least of these”.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it. Send any prayer requests to

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