Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Can I pray for you in any way?

Send any prayer requests to Gods4all@aol.com

In Christ, Mark


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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.”

Romans 12:14

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Have you ever watched the movie, Mean Girls?

The setting is a high school and the story is centered on a trio of girls who made it a mission every day to be...you know...mean. Mistreating others was something they took delight in and so in an attempt to try and disband the clique, a fourth girl infiltrates the group and schemes to get them to turn on one another. In the end, it turns out to be a disaster on all fronts and although the film is a comedy, it carries elements that are far too familiar for most people.

You see, live life long enough and you will run into more than your fair share of mean people. They come in all forms, male or female, young or old, within all ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. Some people just seem to like treating others badly, seemingly driven to hurt others in whatever way they can.

So how do you deal with these kinds of people, people that would easily be viewed as enemies and possibly even persecutors?

Well, as we find with everything in life, our Holy Bible contains the answers and they are definitely in alignment with what the world would say we should do.

For a world viewpoint would have someone give back mistreatment to another. If they wrong you, find a way to wrong them back. You know, the old “eye-for-an-eye” approach.

There’s only one problem with that way of thinking and acting.

It doesn’t make you any better than the original perpetrator.

This is why you could expect that the scriptures would offer a radically different way to deal with the mean people in life, a way that is counterintuitive to the way the world proposes. Look at this exhortation from Paul from the 14th verses of Romans 12:

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.”

To this add these words from our Savior Jesus:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:43-45

And then He added this:

“...if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15

When someone does you wrong, the flesh, the way within us that seeks to operate separate from the Lord, tells you to get even, to hate the person who has violated you in some way, and to hold a grudge against that person.

Conversely, the Holy Spirit reinforced and supported by the Word of God, tells us to bless those who persecute and mistreat. We’re to love anyone who presents themselves as opposition and forgive them when they are successful in sinning against us.

Is this hard for us and our human nature?


Is this impossible for us to carry out, to bless and love and forgive our adversaries?

It is if we rely on our own strength and power. For no one has the ability to live in obedience to what the Lord calls them to do without His help. He never brings us to anything that He isn’t going to bring us through, if we just place our faith and trust in Him.

Think how radical it is to be on the receiving end of blessings and love and forgiveness when you really haven’t done anything to deserve it through your actions and behavior.

And just in case you think I am talking about those who have wronged you, I’m not. I’m talking about you, me, and every other sinner on the face of the earth who has wronged our Lord. Because of our iniquities, we deserve nothing but His wrath but instead He lavishes us with His affection and grace and mercy and pardon.

Want to know how to respond to your enemies in life?

Follow the lead of the Lord and treat others as He does.

You’ll never go wrong when you do.


In Christ,


PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.
Send any prayer requests to Gods4all@aol.com

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