Sunday, June 26, 2016


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

“‘But you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favors on anyone who passed by and your beauty became his. You took some of your garments to make gaudy high places, where you carried on your prostitution. You went to him, and he possessed your beauty.”

“You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them. And you took your embroidered clothes to put on them, and you offered my oil and incense before them. Also the food I provided for you—the flour, olive oil and honey I gave you to eat—you offered as fragrant incense before them. That is what happened, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

“‘And you took your sons and daughters whom you bore to Me and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Was your prostitution not enough? You slaughtered My children and sacrificed them to the idols. In all your detestable practices and your prostitution you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, kicking about in your blood.”

“‘Woe! Woe to you, declares the Sovereign Lord. In addition to all your other wickedness, you built a mound for yourself and made a lofty shrine in every public square. At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by. You engaged in prostitution with the Egyptians, your neighbors with large genitals, and aroused my anger with your increasing promiscuity.”

Ezekiel 16:15-26

This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

In today’s devotion, we take what we learned yesterday in that God has blessed us all since birth and consider how we have used the blessings He has provided.

Have we embraced them and used them to fulfill His purposes?


Have we abused what He has given and used His gifts for sinful acts?

As we look at our scripture passage from Ezekiel 16, we find the Israelites falling into the latter category and God gives us plenty of details as to how they took what He gave them for the cause of righteousness and used them to supply their wicked desires. Look again at these words here:

“‘But you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favors on anyone who passed by and your beauty became his. You took some of your garments to make gaudy high places, where you carried on your prostitution. You went to him, and he possessed your beauty.”

“You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them. And you took your embroidered clothes to put on them, and you offered my oil and incense before them. Also the food I provided for you—the flour, olive oil and honey I gave you to eat—you offered as fragrant incense before them. That is what happened, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

“‘And you took your sons and daughters whom you bore to Me and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Was your prostitution not enough? You slaughtered My children and sacrificed them to the idols. In all your detestable practices and your prostitution you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, kicking about in your blood.”

“‘Woe! Woe to you, declares the Sovereign Lord. In addition to all your other wickedness, you built a mound for yourself and made a lofty shrine in every public square. At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by. You engaged in prostitution with the Egyptians, your neighbors with large genitals, and aroused my anger with your increasing promiscuity. So I stretched out my hand against you and reduced your territory; I gave you over to the greed of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were shocked by your lewd conduct. You engaged in prostitution with the Assyrians too, because you were insatiable; and even after that, you still were not satisfied. Then you increased your promiscuity to include Babylonia, a land of merchants, but even with this you were not satisfied.”  Ezekiel 16:15-29

Note how God continuously referred to His people as prostitutes, utilizing word play around the subject to portray just how adulterous and unfaithful the Israelites were unto Him as they chose to worship false gods and idols. The specific charges He levied against them included:

1. Using their garments to adorn the places of idolatry.

“‘But you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favors on anyone who passed by and your beauty became his. You took some of your garments to make gaudy high places, where you carried on your prostitution. You went to him, and he possessed your beauty.”

“You took your embroidered clothes to put on them.”

It was common practice for the places of idol worship to be decorated with cloths of many colors. The Israelites took garments God had blessed them with and used them to lavish the high places where they engaged in their sinful adoration of false gods.

2. Using their jewelry to fashion the idols they worshiped.

“You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them.”

God made sure He had given His people jewelry made with only the most precious and valuable metals. But the Israelites took all that beautiful jewelry, melted it down, and made idols to worship, idols that were insulting and detestable in God’s eyes.

3. Using their food to worship the idols.

“You offered My oil and incense before them.”

“Also the food I provided for you—the flour, olive oil and honey I gave you to eat—you offered as fragrant incense before them.”

First it was clothing, then fine metals, and now the Lord shares that the Israelites had even dedicated the food He had given them to the idols. It seemed like there was nothing that the Lord had given His people that would not be turned around to honor the idols.

And as we see the next charge, that statement was absolutely true.

4. Sacrificing their own children during their idol worship.

“‘And you took your sons and daughters whom you bore to Me and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Was your prostitution not enough? You slaughtered My children and sacrificed them to the idols. In all your detestable practices and your prostitution you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, kicking about in your blood.”

This was the most appalling and gruesome act of wickedness the Israelites committed. For they were willing to take their very sons and daughters to the altar and slaughter them in worship to gods and idols that did not exist. They killed the living to pay tribute to what was never alive.

And note that God took the time to remind His people that the children they slaughtered were not their children anyways but His. Thus, the Israelites had murdered the children of God while sinfully disobeying His commands to have no other gods before Him (Exodus 20:2-3).

5. Building shrines to idols in every public square.

“‘Woe! Woe to you, declares the Sovereign Lord.’ In addition to all your other wickedness, you built a mound for yourself and made a lofty shrine in every public square. At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by. You engaged in prostitution with the Egyptians, your neighbors with large genitals, and aroused my anger with your increasing promiscuity.”

It wasn’t enough that the Israelites had constructed places for idol worshiping on the traditional high places. They also constructed “lofty shrines” and placed them “in every public square”, enticing anyone who was in the city to stop in and commit spiritual adultery against God. There was no real attempt to conceal their sinfulness.

Yes, the Israelites had abused the blessings from God in a big way, using what He had given for their good to disrespect and honor Him in the worse ways possible. There was little doubt that their blatant unfaithfulness was on display nearly everywhere you went.

Now ask yourself why God became so angry with His people that He sent harsh judgment upon them.

But let’s take a moment to consider how well we’re doing today when it comes to the way we treat and handle God’s blessings. Are we really any better than the Old Testament Israelites of Ezekiel’s day?

I can’t answer that question for you but if we look at our communities, our cities and municipalities, our nation, and our world at large, I don’t think I can say with any real sense of confidence that we are taking what God has blessed us with and using it as He intended us to.

For if we were, then we would not have people in the world who are homeless.

If we were, we wouldn’t have people in the world who are starving to death.

If we were, we wouldn’t have people in the world who are dying every day because of the lack of proper medical care or simple medication that could keep them alive.

If we were, then there would be no room for poverty.

In the end translation, God has given us everything we need to meet the needs of just not ourselves but countless others if we would just turn to Him, obediently seek His purposes, and then fulfill those purposes selflessly just as Jesus did.

God has lavished His greatest gifts upon us. It’s time to put them to use vice abuse them.


In Christ,


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