Thursday, September 4, 2014


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In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.

My people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path.

Isaiah 3:12a

This ends this reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.

Yesterday we looked at the sixth indicator that God’s judgment was in the midst of happening as sinners would flaunt their evil and wicked ways in plain sight of Him, with no concern about hiding what they were doing. God, who will not be disrespected or disobeyed without consequence, held Jerusalem and Judah accountable through His punishment.

But did all the people conscientiously sin on their own?

Today, as we look at the seventh sign of judgment, we will see that many chose to follow people who led them astray. Look at the second half of verse 14 in Isaiah, Chapter 3:

My people, your guides lead you astray; they turn you from the path.

When I was growing up, my parents would always caution me as to being careful who I affiliated with because hanging out with the wrong crowd could take me down the road where trouble lied in wait. They were right as I watched others choose to follow the lead of those who had a reputation for misconduct and, in the end, turn out to be just like them. And I need to say I have seen this in childhood and my adult life.

You see, we cannot underestimate the power of influence on our lives, both physically and spiritually. Allow yourself to partner with people you know are engaging in sinfulness and before long you will be compromising your values to sin right along with them. We have to be selective and have the courage and strength to resist joining with people or groups grounded in iniquity.

Of course, one of the main problems of the Israelites was that they didn’t follow this simple advice. God had commanded them to rid Canaan, the land He promised His chosen people, of all the people who were presently abiding there. He did that for a reason because the people that were occupying the Promised Land before the Israelites arrived were a people who practiced polytheism and worshipped false gods. The Lord knew that if Israel did not rid their land at the onset of these sinners, they would risk being adversely influenced by them, integrating into their societies, intermarrying within other cultural groups, and adopting their practices and customs in the process.

Well, we know what happened, don’t we?

Israel did not follow the command of God and allowed some of the original inhabitants of Canaan to remain. In turn, the Israelites ended up affiliating with the people of these groups and engaged in their ways and rituals which included reverence and devotion toward idols and false gods. Essentially, the Israelites had chosen to turn from the path of righteousness God had set them on and allow others to misguide them onto the path of sin and destruction, the path that led to judgment.

Question: Do we see places in our communities, cities, and nations where people are allowing others to lead and guide them into sinfulness?

I know I see it happening at every level, even to the highest political levels, the places where policy is put in place for the people to follow, policy that enables others to follow a sinful lifestyle vice encourage right and righteous living. At one time in America, it was believed that it was a good idea to have separation of church and state. We can see where that has taken a nation, for shun the church from the state and you end up with a godless state and in many ways, that’s just what we are becoming. If you don’t believe that, look at the polls where people are asked to state their religious beliefs. Where at one time, a majority of people would have professed themselves Christian believers now the majority of responses to the question of religious affiliation are simply “none”.

Friends, we need to reverse the course of our communities, our cities, and our nations. We need to do everything in our power to get people back onto the path of righteousness and off of the road that leads to destruction and judgment, the wide path that Jesus said many are on (Matthew 7:13-14). We need to be countering the evil, wicked work of Satan who is ever seeking to influence and misguide people so they will walk closer with him and further from the Lord.

Jesus called all Christians to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) and this means getting busy to answer His call. He also proclaimed that the harvest fields were ready for reaping but lamented that the workers were few (Luke 10:2). Indeed, the number of Christians in the world are dwindling but that doesn’t mean that the ones who remain faithful to their Savior can’t make a significant difference. For Jesus showed us that just one man can change everything through His life and work.

It’s time to place our time, our trust, and our ministry to others in His hand, allowing Him to lead and guide us to the lost while giving us the strength to lead the misguided back onto the path that brings them life, both now and forever (Matthew 7:13-14).  


In Christ,


PS: Please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it.

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